Here is a “Hidden” course on Codecademy for learning some more advanced CSS positioning techniques.
Try this:
For our final project with the Arduinos, we will be building an 8×8 common-row cathode LED array. With common-row cathode, the current sinks (negative voltage, ground) are attached to the rows (horizontal) and currents sources (positive voltage) runs through the columns (vertical). Here is a link to a good build: How To Make An 8×8 LED […]
Here is a good link to the .ZIP version of XAMPP: This version can be run from a folder straight out of a flash drive, for example.
There are a lot of nifty tools and features included in the HTML5 specification. One thing I enjoyed learning is the new <canvas> element. It allows you to draw directly on a web page using JavaScript! Codecademy has a nice tutorial on how to use this element: Check it out here.