Animation 1


Level: Introductory
Prerequisite: COM1005: Visual Composition
Description: Students are introduced to a variety of animation techniques and produce a simple animation; the focus is on basic skills, including planning, keyframing, stage set-up and production, used to create a moving picture.

 Step 1 – Learn Flash!

Using any of the resources at hand, learn the basics of Adobe Flash. You can use the books or video tutorial in the classroom, or, find an appropriate tutorial on YouTube. (Tip: Look for a tutorial that uses the same version of Flash as we have installed.)

Final Flash Project – Create your final 30 second animation. You may use any combination of frame-by frame or tweening. Your animation must include the following:

  • Tells a story/has a message.
  • Have a beginning, middle and end.
  • Apply music and/or sound effects to enhance the production.
  • Your name must appear at the end as a credit.
  • Follow copyright rules.
  • Present the project to teacher and/or peers for feedback.
  • Add this selected work to an ongoing portfolio. (Upload to a YouTube account.)

Marks – Make sure you show each Assignment to Mr. E As they are completed. Marks are as follows:

  1. Assignment 1 Frame by Frame – 15 Marks
  2. Assignment 2 Motion Tweening – 15 Marks
  3. Assignment 3 Shape Tween – 15 Marks
  4. Assignment 4 Motion Guide – 15 Marks
  5. Assignment 5 Sound – 10 Marks
  6. Final animation- 30 Marks

Total = 100 Marks