Welcome to Programming!
Before we begin, here is a video to watch called What Most Schools Don’t Teach (Why Learn to Code.) It contains several people that you will recognize: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKIu9yen5nc
First Credit – CSE1010 Computer Science 1
- Scratch Website: http://scratch.mit.edu/
- Scratch assignment: Scratch Challenges Completion
Second Credit – CSE1110 Structured Programming 1
- Codecademy (Javascript): http://www.codecademy.com
- Codecademy labs (for playing with your own code): http://labs.codecademy.com/
- Quiz 1
Third Credit – CSE1120 Structured Programming 2
- Codecademy (Javascript): http://www.codecademy.com
- Codecademy labs (for playing with your own code): http://labs.codecademy.com/
- Codecademy Projects: http://www.codecademy.com/tracks/projects
- HTML5 Canvas: http://simonsarris.com/blog/510-making-html5-canvas-useful
this really helps for assignment 3 in arduino